Customizing OptiCroSec component for biaxial bending (no EC3 based)

Hi again,

  1. I´ve updated both Karamba (to the latest WIP) and Rhino7 (to SR15 2022-2-8 7.15.22039.13001) but the issue remains. The most likely (in my opinion) cause of this problem seems related to how Lists of Lists of Doubles are handled by the C# on my machine…

What is your .NET version? (Mine is 4.0.30319.42000) Which version should I update to?

As you probably know, it can be checked with this line of C# code:

Print("My .NET version is: " + Environment.Version);

Thanks and sorry for bothering so much :slight_smile:

EDIT: It seems that .NET 4.8 would work:

EDIT2: The following line produces a more comprehensive .NET version output (I already have 4.8). 4.0.30319.42000 version from Environment.Version means .NET Framework 4.8.4470.0 from FrameworkDescription.

Print(Environment.Version + " (from Environment.Version)\n" + RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription + " (from FrameworkDescription)");