Custom vector field Grasshopper component

I am trying to create a grasshopper plugin that outputs the vector field type that could be feed in other vector field components, such as Evaluate Field … The strategies that I had was to derive from the GH_FieldElement Class
but the problem was, I assume, that the Field element should somehow be “converted” to GH_Field Type for what I couldn’t find the way.

Is there anything that I am missing or it is just not possible.

You have to construct a new GH_Field instance and append your element(s) to that instance.

Thank you David for your prompt reply. It works. Although, do you have any recommendation how to implement the following abstract fields of the GH_FieldElement Class:


What I did is the following:

namespace CustomField
    class MyField : GH_FieldElement
        public override Guid ElementGuid
                return new Guid();

        public override BoundingBox BoundingBox
                return new BoundingBox();

        public override IGH_FieldElement Duplicate()
            return this.Duplicate();

        public override Vector3d Force(Point3d location)
            return new Vector3d(1,1,1);

Nope, always return the same Guid. I’d recommend having a static readonly field on your class which you return:

private static readonly Guid _id = new Guid("{0E85A82C-3778-4DD8-A82C-58EB2DCB3072}");
public override Guid ElementGuid
  get { return _id; }

The bounding box contains the visual elements of your field. If there are no visual elements then you can return BoundingBox.Empty.

Isn’t that just recursively calling the same method? If so, that will definitely crash with a stackoverflow exception whenever it’s called. Just return a new instance of your class with the exact same state.

Thanks David once again for your prompt reply. Cheers