Custom UV texture misalignment

Ah got it. Thanks for looking into this!
Have to say - quite a tricky UV Editor system for user troubleshooting. This is the third project where I’ve been trying to unwrap UV’s with Rhino and every time there’s something that forces me into Rhino-Blender-Rhino workflow.

Four main points (at least for me) are:

  • UV seam marking has the same visual display as an active curve/edge selection. This makes it impossible to unwrap more complex shapes that have multiple seams as every seam that is being used for unwrap glows bright yellow and is pushed to front of the geometry. Just becomes a mess to orient yourself what’s in front and what’s in back.
  • UV editor being on the same model space as the geometry that’s being unwrapped. It get’s in the way… all the time. If the UV editor was it’s own little pop-up with it’s own little toggles/buttons - would make the experience so much more smoother.
  • UV editor not showing the stretch information of the unwrapped UV’s is not great. That’s one of the main pieces of information that users are looking at when deciding where seams should be placed. The built-in UV grid texture helps with this a bit, but definitely should not be considered a proper substitute for a “heatmap” approach that colorizes the UV islands.
  • When unwrapping more complex objects I go back and forth. Unwrapping - checking islands - unwrapping - checking islands and so on. This requires me to use “previous seam selection” option every time I run unwrap. If I forget to click on it once and continue unwrapping another part of the form… well my work up until that point is simply gone. That one hurts.

Hope this feedback will be of some use when developing the next iteration of Unwrap/UVEditor system.