Custom grasshopper development needed

We are an ACP fabrication company and have recently switched to using Rhino and Grasshopper as a means of producing the files for processing panels on our CNC machines.
We are looking for someone who can develop the custom grasshopper strategies or components needed to achieve the goals mentioned below and provide training on the customizations and/or provide training on current existing tools.

  1. Draw panel edges in 3D. Use grasshopper to create the flat pattern from the 3D with standard layers, returns, holes, etc. for machining.

1.2) Use of 3D view of panel will also have turns, holes, etc. for machining to double check the locations.

1.3) Make a printable label for the flat pattern with isometric that includes dimensions, ID, project, etc.

2)Incorporate bend allowances of the specific materials into parametric definition

3)Allow the Grasshopper definition to operate on different panel shapes and multiple panels.

4)Training to create 3D panel templates in Grasshopper, that result in the flat patterns and labels like 1 and 1.3

If this is something you can achieve and are interested in, please reach out to discuss this opportunity further.

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I messaged you

I would be glad to assist you.
To discuss further in detail kindly reach me at
