Curve parallel to view plane - finding work plane for section view

Hi wonderful helpful people

I am playing around with trying to show a perforated pattern on a curved surface. I am wanting to generate 2d detail lines of this pattern from a section view.

I am getting the following error “Curve should be planar and parallel to view plane”

I understand my curves exist in 3d and what i need to do is to project them on a 2d surface and then use these projected curves in my 2d view

I am wanting to know if a “work plane” can be extracted from a view. I thought I had found it with the “View Work Plane” component - which sounds exactly what i’m looking for - but it requires an input work plane

Any help would be much appreciated


Hi J-P, that is going to be tough one to do with detail lines. Try using the DirectShape Curve, which isn’t plane dependent.

‘Direct Shape (Curve)’ creates a DirectShape per curve.

I would use ‘Add DirectShape (Geometry)’ that will group all the curves in one element.

This component also allows to pick a category so you can use Walls category for this pattern DirectShape element.


Hi all,

Well I did manage to solve my own question. For anyone who may be having this problem subsequently. I managed to access the geometry of view using the “Element Location” node.

This gave me access to the point of the view and a plane of the work plane (exactly what I was seeking)

By offsetting this in the (reversed) direction of the view work plane and by the view depth. I could create a surface to project the 3d curves onto parrallel to the view which has allowed me to create the desired 2d lines

(Feels slightly funny putting myself as the solution… but oh well. Thanks for the inoput Japhy and Kike, hope this helps someone in the future.)


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Hi @Jean-Paul_Teal,

You can convert a View to its plane just using a Plane parameter.
If you want to be able to use a View where your pattern has obscured-hidden lines, Make 2D could be useful. (22.5 KB)

This way the obscured lines are not pushed as Detail Lines on Revit.

Hi Kike,

Thanks for this - i was going to try to embellish this to remove the unwanted lines (I was thinking to either test for length of normals to remove lines perpendicular to view, but your Make2d would be a more elegant solution to achieve just that.

I am having trouble with the Make2d component. I am consistently getting an error with the view input (see below) - i was also hoping to right click to “extract parameter” to try to see what type of input it is expecting. It doesnt seem happy with a view, a plane, a surface …

However your definition seems to be happy

Hi Jean-Paul Teal, The Make2D component is looking for a Rhino view and is not a Revit aware component.

Hi @Japhy / @kike

In the definition which seems to be working in Kike’s example - and the view node is referencing a revit element - the same node is input into the Make2d and drw detail line component unless i’m missing something .

I don’t have the small “Query” bar beneath the Active view component - although is this a preferences/widget option?

Thanks again

These components/castings are only available in Rhino 8