Ctrl-Hold Lasso won't deselect

Is this a bug? Selection would simply get stuck.

Hi Hannes - that (getting stuck) is a collision with Ctrl as elevator mode when setting a point -I guess it’s actually looking for a vertical point. But it does not seem to deselect on click-drag with Ctrl either - I suspect it was never designed to but I admit I can’t remember that I’ve ever tried to use it this way.


@Pascal you are right, made a short video on StrokIt gestures bound to the lasso command. Wondering why elevator mode is on in planar views at all. makes actually no sense imho :slight_smile:

Another idea: 2 different lasso selection modes, like with normal marquee selection

[quote=“hannesgrebin, post:3, topic:45483”]
Wondering why elevator mode is on in planar views at all. makes actually no sense imho :slight_smile:
[/quote]Elevator mode in planar/ortho views is very useful. I’ll start in one ortho view and select the “x-y” location in that view while holding the control key to start elevator mode, then switch to another ortho view to select the “z” location.

completely modeling per Elevator in Perspective - so no need for it in ortho… but it’s really the workflow…as I’m using e.g. TAB to constrain movement and such. So never mind, this would be personal preference but no big deal.

Different methods of working. I do almost all geometry creating in three ortho views. Perspective view is used most often for inspection, selection, and moving/copying.

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Absolutely! Do almost everything I can in 3D perspective, since found it more of an visual and intuitive. But totally personal, maybe this is more the designer/concept/sculptural approach yours more of a technical, constructional approach?