CTRL Drag does not reposition Gumball in Rhino 8?

It used to be possible to relocate gumball by moving it while pressing CTRL.

Hello- double-click on any handle to reposition Gumball without affecting the selected objects.


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That works, thank you Pascal. Was not aware of the change.

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Yeah - there was some other conflict that turned up and Ctrl could not be used any more - the gumball has so may controls now…


good to know… so I’m afraid that an amendment is rather useless…
although the double-click is really annoying! Just pressing the Ctrl key was such a smooth workflow…

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What was the conflict with CTRL?
(Just asking. I’m fine with double clicking).

I will agree with above, I’m not sure what was more important than Ctrl+drag for gumball. It is such a fundamental gesture for rhino modelling. Can’t we work this out?

The problem with Ctrl for relocation is that it worked differently based on when you pressed it. This ambiguity and the fact that we needed modifier keys for many functions on the gumball made us make this change.