Creative Campus - Costa Rica

Join us for the inauguration of “Campus Creativo” at Universidad Latina of Costa Rica - Sede Heredia

The Creative Campus is a multidisciplinary educational space that houses many creative disciplines. Its purpose is to launch academic settings that encourage creativity, promote innovative communication integration, and inspire new ways of solving problems and formulating ideas.

During the inauguration days, Andres Gonzalez Posada, RhinoFabStudio worldwide director, will offer Rhino and Grasshopper workshops as well as a presentation on data-driven design and fabrication methods.

Date: June 3-6, 2019
Place: Edificio E, Sede Heredia

For more information, please contact Arq. Margherita Valle Pilia

Tel.: (506) 22076004 - email:

What is RhinoFabStudio? A RhinoFabStudio (fabrication studio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer-controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.

Posted Jun 03, 2019 by Andres Gonzalez on Rhino News, etc.