I would like to share some of my progress on this Grasshopper definition I have been working on recently. The purpose of this grasshopper definition is to create loft surfaces that follow a solid’s edges while using an offset on the inner side of each surface. In this scenario I built this definition with the idea that controlling the dimension of the offset is not critical. The intent of this definition, is to create a type of frame that wraps around a solid object.
The two following images should help give a clearer idea of what I am intending to do this this Grasshopper definition:
Initial Solid Object:
(note: this object contains trimmed surfaces)
Desired result:
(note: these are all untrimed surfaces)
Here is a quick breakdown of what is happening in this definition:
- This definition creates closed curves from each of the faces of a solid.
- It than creates a planar “offset curve loose” (offsetting in both directions).
- The set of offseted curves are sorted by Length and the outer offset (with a longer length) is discarded from the list .
- These offseted curves are than extruded and a curve on Surface is obtained using the “Split Brep” component.
After that, I attempt to explode the curves on surface and create a loft between each segments. I was successful in doing so for each face individually using the “List Item” component. Below is an image of one of the method I attempted:
Unfortunately, so far I am unable to create surfaces for all of a solid’s surfaces at once.
Here is the most up to date .gh file I have been working on:
Offset_On_Surface_Loose_v2.gh (126.3 KB)
I would love to get some help on resolving this problem!