Creating linetypes

Hi all,

I created a line type .25 x .25 perf. The line starts with a cut then a gap then cut, gap etc. I was wondering it was possible for the line to start and land on a gap, ex. Gap, cut, gap, cut, gap etc.

Thank you


No, I think the first element always has to be a line, not a space.

Maybe an option to consider adding in the future.

Thanks again, I appreciate your feedback.


Here is the AutoCAD guide for creating linetypes:

If you read down, you will find this statement:

A-type alignment requires that the first dash length be 0 or greater (a pen-down segment). The second dash length should be less than 0 if you need a pen-up segment and more than 0 if you are creating a continuous linetype. You must have at least two dash specifications for A-type alignment.

I interpret that as saying that it must start with a line (dash). You can enter 0 but that produces a dot at the start.


Perf lines can start with a gap,

It is a selection that allows either or
