Creating curves between points

Looking to create a curtain wall along two curves, but struggling to understand how I can join the points vertically from the two curves (eg. 0,0, 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, etc). Can someone provide a solution for this? Thanks in advance!

Also, does anyone know this grasshopper component thumbnails use in videos like this:

Looking to adjust a view parameters from one component so it’ll be easier to navigate through in the future

tryout (21.9 KB)

are the points from the divide curve joint together through a polyline or interpolate curve component?

They are connected like this.

tryout (25.6 KB)

that looks like a cluster with a custom icon (a cluster is just a bunch of GH components which have been merged into a single component, in such a way you only see main inputs and outputs)

this also means that by looking at the container you won’t be able to know about what happens in its content (David Copete is present in this forum, so you might ask him directly Search results for '@David_Copete order:latest' - McNeel Forum )