Apologies if this isn’t the right place to ask but I’ve just started my master’s course in architecture and as a part of my dissertation, I intend to write about the architectural use of a bistable auxetic surface. see here a great video for what that is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrOjy-v5JgQ
The program that converts 3d models into a bistable auxetic surface is run in Grasshopper and unfortunately, no one in my course nor any of my tutors have ever used it. I’ve successfully got it partially running however I’ve encountered an error that I wouldn’t even have a slight idea how to solve.
I hope it may be possible for someone with experience with the grasshopper to even just identify the error? I’ve attached what I’m seeing on Grasshopper
the first red box says “1. Solution exception:empty sequence” I do not know what that means and haven’t been able to find anything online including contacting the program creators.
I think the whole thing has a lot of potential if only I could get it running.
Ive attached the file containing the program and a link to the git hub of the boundary first flattening that you meant to run beforehand
Bistable.rar (1.2 MB)