Creating beams with random connections

I hope i get this right.

i have a small structure, with a roof and a floor. between them are glass facades, and the roof is supposed to be supported with vertical beams but in a random’ish (15.7 KB)
roof and stuff.3dm (337.9 KB)

Please be a little more specific… is this what you want? (7.7 KB)

thanks for the reply.

No, my goal is to have control over the distances between the points on each curve, and then connect them to the points on the correlating curve…
they have to be in on the same correlating curve since the structure also has glass facades

In that case, wouldn’t it be wise to have equal amounts of segments in each curve (roof & floor)?
Currently your floor is made of 8 segments and your roof of 10. Would make it much easier, if your design would consider this.

Maybe, this could be one way… (13.2 KB)

wow this works amazing.
this works for my structure (with some manual deleting by me).

why did you use the closest point after the sort along curve component?

and what does the tree stats do?

Thank you both so much!