Creating an irregular grid pattern in order to mesh a gridshell

Hello all,

Thank you in advance for your help! I’m new to Grasshopper and am trying to create a model of a gridshell structure with an irregular mesh, but am falling at the first hurdle.

I would like to create the irregular grid below in plane before rotating and cutting to size. It seems like it should be fairly straightforward but I don’t know where to start to model this pattern of lines - should I be using domains?
I think the first four parameters I should be starting with is the narrow and large spacings, the number of lines bunched together and the number spaced apart.

Any advice will be gratefully received! (15.0 KB)

And this one was done by mesh method just in case if you prefer for the later use using K2… (11.3 KB)

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Thank you very much!! Really appreciate your time!