CreateFilletCurves returns empty array

Can someone Please tell me what is wrong with this chunk of code?

from Rhino import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Geometry import *
from Rhino.Input import *
from Rhino.DocObjects import *
from Rhino.Input.Custom import *
from scriptcontext import doc
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

def BowProfFillet(StemCrv,KeelCrv):
    Crv1 = rs.coercecurve(StemCrv)
    Pt1 = rs.CurveStartPoint(StemCrv)
    Crv2 = rs.coercecurve(KeelCrv)
    Pt2 = rs.CurveStartPoint(KeelCrv)
    FilletCrvs = Curve.CreateFilletCurves(Crv1,Pt1,Crv2,Pt2,1,
        True,True,True,0.001, 0.01)

StemCrv and KeelCrv are GUIDs of the two curves I am trying to fillet, but I get an empty array back from Curve.CreateFilletCurves(). Is there something I’m am doing wrong? I found the example code online that uses Curve.CreateFilletCurves() and can get it to work, but when I try to implement it in my own code I get nothing.


Can you post the curves? Does it work if you do it manually (Rhino Fillet command) with your curves?

Edit - I tested your code here and it does seem to work on the case of a couple of lines…


Here is the whole code.

from Rhino import *
from Rhino.Commands import *
from Rhino.Geometry import *
from Rhino.Input import *
from Rhino.DocObjects import *
from Rhino.Input.Custom import *
from scriptcontext import doc
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

__commandname__ = "GenHull"

def StemLine(Input):
    BaseLinePt = (-Input['Origin_Height']/(math.tan(Input['Bow_Rake_Angle']*math.pi/180.0)),0.0,0.0)
    BowPt = ((Input['Depth']-Input['Origin_Height'])/(math.tan(Input['Bow_Rake_Angle']*math.pi/180.0)),0.0,Input['Depth'])
    crvpts = [BowPt,BaseLinePt]
    StemCrv = rs.AddCurve(crvpts,degree=3)
    return StemCrv

def KeelLine(Input,StemCrv):
    KeelStrtPt = rs.CurveEndPoint(StemCrv)
    FwdPt = rs.CurveStartPoint(StemCrv)
    KeelFlatEndPt = (Input['Midbody_Hull_XPos'],0.0,0.0)
    SternPt2 = (FwdPt.X-Input['LOA'],0.0,Input['Prop_Clearance'])
    SternRun = -math.cos(Input['Stern_Rise_Angle']*math.pi/180.0)
    SternRise = math.sin(Input['Stern_Rise_Angle']*math.pi/180.0)
    SternPt1 = (SternPt2[0]-SternRun*Input['Stern_Length'],0.0,SternPt2[2]-SternRise*Input['Stern_Length'])
    KeelCrv1Pts = [KeelStrtPt,KeelFlatEndPt]
    KeelCrv2Pts = [KeelFlatEndPt,SternPt1]
    KeelCrv3Pts = [SternPt1,SternPt2]
    KeelCrv1 = rs.AddCurve(KeelCrv1Pts,degree = 1)
    KeelCrv2 = rs.AddInterpCurve(KeelCrv2Pts,degree = 3,knotstyle=2,start_tangent=(-1.0,0.0,0.0),end_tangent=(SternRun,0.0,SternRise))
    KeelCrv3 = rs.AddCurve(KeelCrv3Pts,degree = 1)
    KeelCrv = rs.JoinCurves([KeelCrv1,KeelCrv2,KeelCrv3],delete_input=True)
    return KeelCrv
def BowProfFillet(Input,StemCrv,KeelCrv):
    Crv1 = rs.coercecurve(StemCrv)
    Pt1 = rs.CurveEndPoint(StemCrv)
    Crv2 = rs.coercecurve(KeelCrv)
    Pt2 = rs.CurveStartPoint(KeelCrv)
    FilletCrvs = Curve.CreateFilletCurves(Crv1,Pt1,Crv2,Pt2,10.0,
        True,True,True,0.001, 0.01)
    #StemCrv = rs.JoinCurves(Crvs[0],Crvs[1])
    #KeelCrv = Crvs[2]
    print "pause"

def SternLine():
    #return SternCrv

def DeckLine():
    #return DeckCrv
def RunCommand( is_interactive ):
    Input = {'Beam' : 30,
                   'LOA'  : 100,
                   'LWL'  : 75,
                   'Depth' : 25,
                   'Origin_Height' : 7,
                   'Midbody_Hull_Length' : 20,
                   'Midbody_Hull_XPos' : -60,
                   'Midbody_Deck_Length' : 35,
                   'Midbody_Deck_XPos' : -67.5,
                   'Keel_Width' : 2,
                   'Bilge_Radius' : 3,
                   'Deadrise' : 1,
                   'Half_Entrance_Angle': 30,
                   'Bow_Rake_Angle' : 60,
                   'Bow_Radius' : 10,
                   'Prop_Clearance' : 6.5,
                   'Stern_Width' : 25,
                   'Stern_Length' : 4,
                   'Stern_Rise_Angle' : 7}
    StemCrv = StemLine(Input)
    KeelCrv = KeelLine(Input,StemCrv)

if( __name__=="__main__" ):

Sorry, I should have added some explanation too. The code creates the stem line and keel line and then I attempt to fillet the intersection using Curve.CreateFilletCurves. I have no clue why the code isn’t working though. When the code fails I can manually fillet the curves just fine using the Rhino Fillet Command. I can even use the example code that shows how to use Curve.CreateFilletCurves, and create the fillet. My code tries to mimic the code in the link except for creating the curves instead of allowing the user pick the curves.

I need to use this function a bunch so any help on figuring this out would be appreciated.


This looks like it may be a bug in the filleting code… Your code looks OK. If you run with

FilletCrvs = Curve.CreateFilletCurves(Crv1,Pt1,Crv2,Pt2,10.0,
        False,False,False,0.001, 0.01)
#(instead of True,True,True)

you will see that the fillet will be created - but it is “going the wrong way”…

@pascal is aware of this thread and will look into it further…


Hi Ian - it seems to work, for now, if the points on the input curves are not the end points- so, here’s a hack (@Helvetosaur has a different one, also effective) that locates a point near the ends you want but not on the end:

def BowProfFillet(Input,StemCrv,KeelCrv):

Crv1 = rs.coercecurve(StemCrv)
dom =  Crv1.Domain
par = dom.Mid + ((dom.T1-dom.Mid)/2)
Pt1 = Crv1.PointAt(par)

Crv2 = rs.coercecurve(KeelCrv)
dom =  Crv2.Domain
par = dom.Mid + ((dom.T1-dom.Mid)/2)
Pt2 = Crv2.PointAt(par)

#Pt2 = rs.CurveStartPoint(KeelCrv)
FilletCrvs = Curve.CreateFilletCurves(Crv1,Pt1,Crv2,Pt2,10.0,
    True,True,True,0.001, 0.01)
if len(FilletCrvs) !=0: doc.Objects.AddCurve(FilletCrvs[0])
#StemCrv = rs.JoinCurves(Crvs[0],Crvs[1])
#KeelCrv = Crvs[2]

print "pause"


That does the Trick! Thanks for your help!