Create its own Help Command for Rhino Plugin


Are they any tutorial or API explaining how to make its own help webpage ?

  1. What’s the name used by the help toolbar to make the search ?
  2. How to edit the URL to search from (a global URL is linked to Rhino or with each command) ?
  3. What structure do webpages have to follow ?
  4. Can webpages be stored locally ?

The result when I try to use one of my aliases.

For the 4), this thread make me think that help pages can be stored locally:

Hi @gaspard.bourgeois,

Provide command specific help, just override the Command.OnHelp virtual function.

For example:

public class TestCommand : Command
  public override string EnglishName => "Test";

  protected override void OnHelp()
    // TODO: Add your command help here
    Eto.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Help me!");

  protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
    return Result.Success; 

– Dale

Are they anyway to replace this fonction from Python Script and GrasshopperPlayer ?

Hi @gaspard.bourgeois,

The information I provided only applies to commands in Rhino plug-ins. For the other tools, you’ll need to pose this question to those who monitor the Grasshopper category.

– Dale