Create a solid from mesh

Hi, I have an half hull created from 3 curves.
I created Surfaces (NURBS)
A rhino’s website tuto explains:
1- transform NURBS surfaces to mesh
2- Mesh repair Fill holes
3- Mesh boolean union
4- Mesh to NURBS, a solid is created…

BUT not at all!!! the hull disappears!
file 0: shows the simple half hull
file 1: fill all holes: one side has transparent parts
file 2: the other side is normal
file 3: after mesh boolean union!!!

I think the problem comes from the “fill all holes” but I dis not find any tuto explaining how to do correctly…

r3d mesh.3dm (194.6 KB)

Thanks for help

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why convert this, when it’s such a simple model?

extract the edges, join and rebuild them into clean curves, (I used 7 points at deg 6 for them all) then sweep 2.

r3d mesh_kfix.3dm (111.9 KB)

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Thank you Kyle for your help,
As I was testing, I took a basic example.
In the reality my hull is a little bit more complex.
I started with joined curves (also 7 pts degree 6; it’s enough for my accuracy).
I now whish to convert it to solid for various uses.
With my model (included) I do not suceed. If you make a big zoom it appears that surfaces do not join exactly or they overlap. I suspect that it is one (!) reason it is not easy to convert to a solid. This is why I tested mesh / fill holes. Without success.
The R3d tuto is not very useful!! If you have an idea…
tests hull to solid.3dm (319.9 KB)


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not sure what I’m missing… these all join up fine…

tests hull to solid_kfix.3dm (279.0 KB)

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