Create a list of points from 3 diferent points

I have 3 diferent points separately, because they are extracted from diferent origins… but I would like to create a closed polilyne joining those 3 separated points…But polyline block works from a list of points…not from separated points?..I know is simple, but how I could join 3 separated points into one list ?
thanks in advanced

I know how to extract points from a list, but I do not know how to create a list from different points… :frowning:

Connect them all directly to the ‘V’ input of PLine, or use Merge first if you want more reliable control over their sequence than connecting multiple wires to a single input.

Thank you,
I can not link more than one point to V in polyline, but
Merge perfectly joins those points which later can go to V.polyline.


You have to hold down the <space> bar while connecting the 2nd and 3rd wires, but that approach is vulnerable to sequence errors. Merge is more explicit and robust. Even so, you may find unexpected results when data trees are not matched in structure…

Thanks, you are right, I have problems when there is some data error on my excel, because I am using very big dataset…I think there is a null block to avoid errors from dataset errors…


Hello, Can I explode that points or other object from one list? I tried dispatch, partition list, list item, but they’re not exactly what I want.