Create a line connecting nearby index numbers (7.7 KB)

Hi, I am almost new to grasshopper.
I want to create the line between nearby index points as you can see in the picture. (blue lines)
I want to make the line connecting the points 0-1-2-3-…15- and 0 again.
I attached grasshopper algorithm too.

Thank you,

You could use PolyLine. (9.8 KB)

안녕하세요, 현재 그래스호퍼를 공부하고 있는 학생입니다.
그래스호퍼 페이지에서 형수님 사진에서 너무나 알고싶은 패턴이 있어 여쭤보고싶어 이곳에다가 댓글을 달게 되었습니다. 혹시 여쭐 수 있는 방안이 있을까요? 제가 이 페이지를 처음 사용해서 미숙한점 죄송합니다.

Hello, I am a student currently studying Grasshopper.
I saw a pattern in Hyunsoo’s photo on the Grasshopper page that I really wanted to know about, so I wanted to ask about it, so I decided to leave a comment here. Is there any way I can ask? I am sorry for my inexperience as it is my first time using this page.