Create a grid on a shell/bulb-shaped surface


I’m trying to create a kind of grid on bulb-shaped surface. This shape is irregular and variable.

I would like to create 4-sided-cells on it, I thought about transforming this shape into a ruff quad mesh and then project it on the surface but I wasn’t able to go this far.
Here is the quad-mesh built with Weavebird.

Ideally I would like to have this same cell structure on my bulb-shaped surface but with edges following the curvatures.
I don’t know if I went in the wrong direction or if I’m really closed to the solution with my mesh, but I’m stuck and would love some help. :slight_smile:

I can post the full file if you want but I need to clean it a bit

Bulb (10.6 KB)

Does this help ?

Thanks for the answer !

It took a bit of time to get the hang of kangaroo (and kangaroo 2) to create a basic simulation but it seemed a bit too complicated and processor heavy, as I wish in the long term to animate this shape, I’m worried that it would take too long.

I decided to keep trying to resolve this problem without physics. I was actually able to find three ways to do it ! With “curve on surface”, with “pull curve” and with extrusion and intersection.

“Pull Curves” and “Curve on Surface” doesn’t work with my shape, as there is the seam and the top point that were causing bugs in the projection. With “Pull Crv”, the contour was sometime interrupted by the top point of the shape, with “Crv on Srf” there were some strange projection issue, it didn’t understand the surface as a kind of cylinder so it was drawing the line all around the surface (better seen in the gif).

Pull Crv over time vs Crv on Srf over time
Pull%20crv CrvSrf

I first found the intersection method but I wasn’t convinced of the outline it was creating, I was juste scaling the mesh and lofting the duplicated edges. It was creating this arc-shaped outline that I didn’t like.
Scale ScaleUp
Finally I decided to create a base line who would give the direction in which the grid-points had to be moved, and then creating surfaces from the points. I was able to get a satisfying result that doesn’t create weird output.
LINE Direvction

If someone has more questions about my method I can explain it a bit better or post a cleaned grasshopper patch (right now it’s a mess).
Thank for the help anyway, it let me discover the simulation side of grasshopper !