Hi @mkarimi
I typed a blank (space) into the command line and [Save Macro]
popped up. I pinned it and iRhino crashed and never opened again (immediate crashes). I had to delete the app and reinstall it.
Hi @mkarimi
I typed a blank (space) into the command line and [Save Macro]
popped up. I pinned it and iRhino crashed and never opened again (immediate crashes). I had to delete the app and reinstall it.
I thought I fixed that bug a while ago. Can you tell me the version of the app you’re using?
I see, that
I think I fixed a variation of that bug but now I can repro this too. I’ll fix it right away and release another build in the next day or two
RV-1160 Empty string macro crash
This should be fixed now in 8.10.24198 (11.2.1)