January 4, 2024, 1:33pm
Hello, I relocated my cplane as I was used to in Rh7, the position is changed but my viewports don’t change with it, as it did in Rh7.
I played around with Cplane/world button in the lower left corner, and also with the auto C-plane button in the lower mid, but it has no effect.
do I miss something?
(Wim Dekeyser)
January 4, 2024, 1:43pm
Hi Albert -
That part of your comment leads me to believe that, in Rhino 7, you had Rhino Options -> Modeling Aids -> Construction planes
set to “Universal construction planes”. The default is “Standard construction planes”.
If that’s not the issue, we’ll need more information from you.
January 4, 2024, 1:45pm
that’s the one! thanks a lot!
January 5, 2024, 9:47am
Another one, when measuring (distance) it keeps measuring relative to WCS, but I want to measure relative to my CPlane. is there also a setting for somewhere?
(Pascal Golay)
January 5, 2024, 3:50pm
Hello - I am not sure what you mean - distance itself is not relative really - but the full report shows deltas for both:
Command: Distance
First point for distance ( Units=Model_Units )
Second point for distance ( Units=Model_Units Undo )
CPlane angles and deltas: xy = 9.377 elevation = 0.000 dx = 25.469 dy = 4.206 dz = 0.000
World angles and deltas: xy = 0.000 elevation = 9.377 dx = 25.469 dy = 0.000 dz = 4.206
Distance = 25.814 millimeters
January 5, 2024, 4:25pm
in the picture below, the box (500x500x500) is on WCS and on Cplane which is also on WCS.)
see the distances.
in the picture below I changed the Cplane and then I want to measure the distances relative to Cplane (delta X/Y/Z)
but those remain the same as in the first picture. ( I also toggled between CPLANE and WORLD)
the dimensions should be something like this (I rotated the box which I don’t want to)
I hope I made clear what I mean.
best regards, Albert
(Pascal Golay)
January 5, 2024, 4:30pm
Hi Albert - please look at the whole report - above the world deltas are the CPlane ones.
January 5, 2024, 4:31pm
Hi Pascal,
I solved the problem I think,
First point for distance ( Units=Model_Units )
Second point for distance ( Units=Model_Units Undo )
CPlane angles and deltas: xy = 44.567 elevation = 0.766 dx = 616.932 dy = 607.669 dz = 11.571
World angles and deltas: xy = 45.000 elevation = 35.264 dx = 500.000 dy = 500.000 dz = 500.000
Distance = 866.025 millimeters
I was under the impression that this was different in Rh 7 which isn’t I just find out.
I am relatively new with using cplanes, need to practice a bit more.
I still don’t understand the world/Cplane function in the lower left corner; I see no differences, and auto Cplane is also still abracadabra,
why is the lock gray? is it not functioning, and why?