How do you set the cover thickness when using rebar set?
Rebar cover is set on the concrete itself and as a general setting for the project.
You can overwrite the project settings on the object UDA
I know I can set it from UDA in Tekla, but is this possible from Grasshopper when drawing the part there? Or do you need to do it manually in Tekla afterwards?
You can set those UDAs for the father part by using the Set UDAs component, as long as you know the UDA names. In Tekla the names are showing up in the inquire dialog.
In Grasshopper these UDAs seem a bit special in that they can only be retrieved with the Get Property component rather than with the Get UDA value component. But they can still be set normally.
After they’ve been set for the father part, the rebar set needs to be modified to read the new values. The easiest way to achieve this is to connect the output from the Set UDA component as the father part.
Thank you so much for the great explanation! I was using the “Get UDA Value” and could not find my numbers.
I can also add that to set the __CovThickCoordSys to Global or Local, you use value 0 or 1 (Not by writing a string).