VectorPolar ? A single component to construct a vector at a given angle, the same as the PointPolar component, but outputs a vector - right now if I want that, I need to pass the output from PointPolar with d=1 through a vector parameter.
BoundaryRegion ? Getting the region bounded by intersecting coplanar lines or curves - basically CurveBoolean. In my simple case I have 3 intersecting lines so I was able to just get the intersection points and make a new polyline. But I was looking for a more general solution.
and for the BoundaryRegion I also miss that a lot, for the general case of several lines/curves I use something like this, I’m also really hoping for dedicated components
ohh yes I thought you were actually generating Polar Points for a purpose, and just wanted to get their lenght=1 vector
about the boundary region, if you’re happy to use plugins Fennec also has a Region component with a boolean where you can combine all the regions together: