Test the new one
Counting blocks
Count objects
Counts objects within blocks
If you click on a block it shows URL / Description/ Url Description
CountObjectNames.rhp (24 KB)
Test the new one
Counting blocks
Count objects
Counts objects within blocks
If you click on a block it shows URL / Description/ Url Description
CountObjectNames.rhp (24 KB)
You are looking at the definitions. What you want to do is look at the instance references. References use definitions + a transformation to display on the screen.
Use the object table on the document.
Hi Jordy,
The new version doesn’t come up on my file, which did before, but it does work with just a few objects. There are no error codes of any kind.
Can the URL and notes be included with the copy and perhaps in the table as well?
The resizing works.
The click on the URL to launch a browser should come in handy.
If the lower text boxes will remain both editable and read only, it might be confusing for some people.
Thank you (both now),
Can you post a file with some block objects and normal objects so i can test it?
The not editable part can be handy. But can also make it that it will edit the objects.
Like if the URL is http://www.google.com and you want http://www.bing.com its posible xD
I took the fasteners from my project, and added some other tests, such as: 100 differently named objects, a URL Test, a common punctuation test, and a nested-block test.
If you open the block manager, and look at the blocks named “A Block Level…” and try to get a count of nested parts you can see what could be clearer if you were trying to use the block manager to get a physical part count of what would needs to be purchased or made. I intentional prefixed the name with “A” so they would be all together, but in real life finding out what is real and what are blocks made only from real things would be quite a chore–without something like you are working on : )
I didn’t quite understand the last line in your post, so I will just liked it.
As with most non-MS employees, I prefer google.
Thanks again for working on this.Bolts.zip (997.4 KB)
I hope this helps, and thanks again,
Haha oke thats clear.
I mean with the last line uhm…
You now have google.nl as URL, its possible to change the objects URL in the plugin Form if you want.
I knew you were from the Netherlands, but I forgot that the top level domain for Google would be different.
I can make an icon for this, sometime after I sleep.
I’ve just checked the file and its hard too count this.
As in the image below. You sometimes use Type (blocks) and sometimes Name
Too get the current version too work all block’s should have a name. And there isnt any atm.
It’s easier to have all objects/blocks names instead of sometimes Type and other times Name.
All the fasteners are block instances.
When anyone creates a block, and names it, it appears as the Type.
The rest of the objects, I just gave a name.
I am sorry if you are having issues,
I am going to necromancer this.
Jordy1989, I appreciate your work on this.
Still, Rhino should have some kind of object count. That seems reasonable does it not?
For this project, I have to make everything into a block and avoid nesting anything to have a part count. : (
Brenda, did you ever get to a good solution for this? I have bemoaned the lack of this functionality as standard Rhino for years. Found your comments on my umpteenth search for a solution.
I posted on one of the most popular threads in this forum, adding input from some of the dozens of people who replied. Most stated that they agreed with the changes I/we asked for in the block manager. I tried.
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