Corporate Rhino - Pirated SW?

Most of the piracy came from 3rd world country <e.g., Egypt as they get 180 US dollar for month So they have to do it for living unless McNeal and the Companies make the prices affordable for The countries that are suffering from Economical crisis.

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better do something that helps yourself and your country’s economy by doing legal stuff, not just help yourself and hurt others…?

OK I’ll build a 10 Billion dollar factories to fix the economy :point_right: :point_left: :pleading_face:

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If they can afford the computer hardware to use the cracked software they ain’t poor.


I thought cracked software was just what you did when you were a poor student :crazy_face:.
If you ask me McNeel with Rhino3d offer some of the best 3d design sofware on the market, at a good entry price point, and then the upgrade price is discounted if you already own a license, and finally the 90 day trial is almost unique to McNeel, whats not to love about all the above!
If you’re a professional, buy a license, fly like a legal eagle :+1:t4: :beers:


well, many 10 billion companies existing started in a garage with a bunch of techies and 50$. Your post seems like a bad excuse. If someone is able to crack a software and sell the crack around the web, he or she is definitely able to do something constructive…

In earlier days I think the main motivation to crack software was ‘because I can’.
An interesting task…

I think the motivation is different today.
A skilled hacker can implement something that tracks you, steal you data, let it download ransomware etc.

So if one decides to use cracked software, the penalty can come unexpected :wink: