Made a “CustomOsnap” toolbar that resides in my .rui library and then copied over some (but not all) of the buttons from the default OSnap toolbar.
Then as this is supposed to function as a drop-down, I wanted to shorten the names of some of them. Result: all of the names I shortened lost their LMB command script, and the RMB command showed up as the button name instead. I think this may have happened when I installed the latest SRC, but I can’t be sure.
Anything you see above that says “Persistent…” are the modified buttons, the Persistent was the RMB on them originally, the one-shot was on the LMB. Now they look like this:
The original name on the button was “Perpendicular to”, I had modified it to “Perp To”. That is the only modification I made. I did not modify the image, the tooltip or the command scripts.
So again, the following rules still apply as of this writing:
Don’t copy buttons from one library to another.
If you decide to ignore rule 1, don’t modify any copied buttons in any way.
I violated my own rule to save time, and got bitten by it. I will now remake those buttons from scratch starting from blank and manually entering the name, tooltip, command scripts and importing the image.
Hey Mitch,
Please stop banging your head against the wall on this. The toolbars system has flaws that absolutely need to be fixed. Until I can get some fixes in, these problems will continue to bite you.
RH-78592 Copied toolbar buttons are ‘cleared’ when copied from a linked toolbar RH-78798 Copy toolbar/buttons/macros between libraries instead of linking them
Hi Steve,
I posted this mainly as a warning to anyone else who is currently doing something similar. I have already more or less finished rebuilding my custom workspace after several weeks work - most of the non-standard items are basically new blank buttons that have been made “manually” - and these look to be stable. A fair portion of that time was spent making new svg’s so that everything could be V8 “native”, no longer V7 “import”. The only thing I haven’t done yet is an attempt to clean up the linked .rui file’s macro library which is a mess due to previous imports and experiments.
I have an all-day workshop I have to give in a couple of weeks and probably half of it will be on new V8 stuff - which I need to get up to speed on, as I haven’t spent enough time with V8 actually doing anything.
The last task I now need to do is to transfer the workspace from my laptop to my desktop… I hope that goes OK.
I will stop posting about any toolbar stuff now and wait until there are announcements of fixes.