How can I bring in a dimension so importing its properties from one file to another, when the recipient file is a new project with a few lines, and the source is my biggest yet, very complex, saves take 2 mins etc, and the paste of the dimension from it has takes 2 mins to occur.
I dont want to ‘POLLUTE’ my new quick save file with the aspects of the source file. I just know that if I continue it will no longer be slick and quick. I thus undo that paste and need to get that dimension attribute in some other way, I dont want any polluting with slowness of my new project.
Hi Steve -
I suppose you could export that one dimension to a new file, then open, purge, and SaveSmall.
Or have your two files open and looks at the annotation style attributes in the original and set those to be the same in the new file.
If you can reproduce pollution in Rhino 7, I’m happy to take a closer look…
Hi Wim,
Its in rhino v5.
I will try the new file export small etc.
I always felt that whatever was in a source file, a copy paste from it left behind the factors causing slowness, such as items that should be based upon a master and not replicated with copy paste like rivets.
This is a known bug in V5 (and even V6 - can’t remember?) of copy/paste bringing bitmaps with it - which has been explained many times and will not be fixed for those versions.
Some things besides just the visible geometry will continue to be brought along with the copy/paste - I think things like the render mesh on a surface object so as to minimize meshing time in the destination file…
Its so easy to copy paste, if after one small item, as opposed to export small etc.
In a weeks time I will be with V5 and V7 so that pain will be gone. I hope.