Copy parameters

I’d like to ask if there’s any plugin that can help copy output parameters in groups and automatically connect them. I’m not sure how to explain it clearly, so I’ve attached a video showing my workflow. When there are many parameters, it takes a lot of time to reconnect all the wires manually.

Why :interrobang: Hidden wires make GH code very hard to read. “Fancy Wires” are WAY more useful.

For me, using hidden wires is more convenient and makes the script more readable.
But hiding wires is not the topic of my question here :slight_smile: . It was about copying parameters along with groups and reassigning connections.

If you must make an unreadable mess, copy/paste as in your video looks quick and easy.

See if this plugin can be useful.

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I would much recommend from the bottom of my heart to give a try to Telepathy plugin

this saved me so much time and efforts in the last 5 years… it’s just awesome, give it a try, look at the downloadable very basic example file and you already know how to use it at 100% functionality :+1:

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