Convert's Tolerance=0 is affected by other settings

The following occurs in both
8.13.24317.13001, 2024-11-12
7.37.24107.15001, 2024-04-16

_Convert _Output=Arcs _SimplifyInput=No _AngleTolerance=5 _MinLength=1 _MaxLength=0
on the NURBS curve in Convert_Tolerance=0.3dm (44.1 KB)
setting Tolerance to the following values produces the arc counts:

Tolerance Resultant arc count
0 16
3.0 2
1.0 4
.1 8
0.01 14
0.009 14
0.008 16
1e-5 16

When setting Tolerance, the command lines states:
Distance tolerance at segment midpoints. Zero for no limit
If this were true, I’d expect Tolerance=0 to result in 2 arcs.

Help states:

Tolerance The tolerance at segment midpoints, overriding the system tolerance setting.

If this were true, with the model’s Absolute tolerance of 0.01, I’d expect Tolerance=0 to result in 14 arcs.

Is this a bug, or is there any documentation explaining this behavior?