Controlling Array Along Curve Angles?

Hi everyone,
I am trying to create an array of lines using the “Curve Array” component in Grasshopper. I want to be able to control the angle of each of these curves after they have been arrayed but I am having trouble figuring out how to do so.

The snip shows what Grasshopper is currently generating for me, the angles labeled in white are what I am trying to get the curves to do. Starting from 36 degrees, moving in increments of 1 degree down to 0, and then it starts up again until it reaches -36 degrees

Array Along Curve (13.9 KB)

Any help is greatly appreciated and thank you!!

Array Along Curve (17.3 KB)

EDIT: after re-reading i am not sure, if my contribution is what you wanted. please specify against which coordinate system the lines should be rotated against and what is their source coordinate system. from the screenshot it looks like the global XY coordinate system, but +/-36° does not make sense in my opinion.

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@dn.aur Yes that is exactly what I am looking for!! Thank you so much for taking the time to do that, and yes I was referencing the XY coordinate system.

However, if I can poke you for one more question, after plugging this back into my original script the graph mapper seems to be behaving weirdly and not as smooth as before. Looking at your script, I am essentially now trying to do something very similar in the YZ plane:

I am trying to create a rotational pattern in this YZ plane now where the top of the first beam starts at -8° rotated among the line’s center (or 48" high off the ground plane) and then rotates in increments of 1° (or 4"). The pattern repeats when it gets back to -8° (or 48")

I’m hoping that makes sense, and I am wondering if either my graph mapper can be adjusted or if it can be replaced again with your script but this time set in the YZ plane

My script with your contribution added:
Array Along Curve (21.1 KB)

Thank you again so much. If this feels too different from the original question let me know and I will mark this post as solved and ask this question in a new thread

like this?

Array Along Curve (20.3 KB)


Almost exactly it! Thank you!! For some reason the first beam starts at a 12 degree angle rather than an 8, but other than that it’s perfect. I need to teach myself more about that “series” parameter, is that the secret to controlling these angles? I greatly appreciate your help