Control Zoom Length in Top View by Numerical Value?


I have to make multiple viewcapture outputs and I need all outputs to have same drawing scale.

For this I am going to make the same zoom level on each output from my viewport.

I noticed the value that changes when zooming in our out is Lens Length here:

But for a mysterious reason to me, it is grayed out/uneditable, even though I am editing it with my mouse wheel.

Can we please make this editable by entering a PRECISE numeric value? Thanks.

Hello- in Perspective views you can type this value directly but it does not mean much in parallel views. ZoomLens or DollyZoom will change that value in Perspective but not in parallel, normal zooming should not as far as I know.

Are your captures in a parallel view?


Yes, default Top View. (Parallel)

How can I numerically control my zoom level in parallel views?

You can try this thing I dredged up - it should/might help in World Top at least - (3.5 KB)

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"


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