How do I subscribe to the events of the Ctrl key?
I know about the RhinoApp.KeyBoardEvent event, but:
- Is this interface a bit too simple?
- This interface cannot directly know whether the Ctl key is pressed
How do I subscribe to the events of the Ctrl key?
I know about the RhinoApp.KeyBoardEvent event, but:
Hi @ken_zhang,
On Windows, RhinoApp.KeyBoardEvent is just a wrapper for SetWindowsHookEx with the WH_KEYBOARD
hook. If you need to know if the Ctrl key is down at the same time as a keyboard event, then you’ll need to p/invoke the GetKeyState Win32 function and test for the VK_CONTROL
virtual key.
Just curious, why are you monitoring keyboard events?
– Dale
We want to implement a much more complex undo-redo mechanism than Rhino itself. Currently, we directly intercept the Undo command to achieve this.