I am having issues contouring my model to prepare for laser cuts. I the contours are stacked from bottom to top, but for some reason, I am getting some unusual diagonal lines that come along with my horizontal lines. Is there a solution to fixing this?
Also, the program won’t recognize my model as a solid. I boolean unioned the whole model together.
Your polysurface is non-manifold - it has some edges where there are more than two surfaces joined. Use ShowEdges and check “non-manifold”. That means some surfaces are “stuck” inside your volume, you should look into fixing those, but I think that’s not your main problem.
One main problem is your units and scale. Your file units are feet with an absolute tolerance of 0.01, but many of your elements are close to the absolute tolerance - your contour intervals are for example 0.02 feet. I would either work in inches or at least tighten the file tolerances to .001 or even .0001 (feet). But since you worked in a too loose tolerance to begin with some of your edges have been forced out of tolerance, so you might still get some funniness. If I change the tolerance to .001, explode your model and rebuild the edges, then re-join, I get a lot of gaps showing up.
You might just try running Contour after first changing the file tolerance before doing anything else. Here it takes a long time - you have 5000 plus surfaces - but the result might be good enough to be able to manually fix and use.