Hi all,
Hoping someone here will be able to help me with this. I’m not too familiar with all the possibilies in Grasshopper and have tried to approach this with a python script but haven’t had any luck so far. I’ve also spent the last hour scouring the internet and YouTube but haven’t found anything useful, pardon if this is a novice question.
Essentially, I have sets of closed polysurfaces which make up a structure, but I need this structure to be made of vertical cylinders instead. I’d like to create a script which takes an array of cylinders and adjusts their heights to be constrained within the closed polysurfaces - I’m choosing to do this over a trim or split as I would like the cylinders to remain XY flat on both ends, if that makes sense.
My file is attached, I internalized the data but please let me know if anything is missing.
Thank you!!
cylinders_GPT.gh (1.5 MB)