I am having issues with figuring out how to connect two grasshopper components programmatically. I want to be able to connect the output of one component to the input of another, which is what I am attempting here:
new_doc = GH_Document()
guidGem = Guid("2f9dce65-e9a1-59c3-8206-e6f2ec1d7a95")
guidRing = Guid("b94ec479-3909-0aac-69de-1abd3b3ae82a")
gem = Grasshopper.Instances.ComponentServer.EmitObject(guidGem)
ring = Grasshopper.Instances.ComponentServer.EmitObject(guidRing)
if gem and ring:
# Add the component to the document
new_doc.AddObject(gem, False)
new_doc.AddObject(ring, False)
output_param = gem.Params.Output[0]
input_param = ring.Params.Input[0]
# Save the new document to a file
archive = GH_Archive()
if archive.AppendObject(new_doc, "Definition"):
# Write the archive to a file
gh_file_path = "output.ghx"
success = archive.WriteToFile(gh_file_path, True, False)
if success:
print(f"Grasshopper file successfully saved to: {gh_file_path}")
print("Failed to save the Grasshopper file.")
print("Failed to serialize the Grasshopper document.")
print("Failed to create the Drakon3D component. Please check the GUID.")
I am using Drakon as a plugin, and want to connect the Drakon components I emit through the component server ( I hope that this issue is not Drakon specific ). The code above fails, saying that the IGH_DocumentObject object has no attributes such as Params, which is alright, however I’m failing to find any resources that can point me toward how I can connect components programmatically.
Could someone give me at least an example of how this can be performed, or give me an alternative way of doing all of this?
It is important for me to mention that I am using RhinoInside here, and I am not executing this python script in a Rhino environment.
These are my imports:
import rhinoinside
rhinoinside.load(R"C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\System")
import Rhino
gh = Rhino.RhinoApp.GetPlugInObject("Grasshopper")
import Grasshopper
from Grasshopper.Kernel import GH_Document
from GH_IO.Serialization import GH_Archive
from System import Guid