Confusing V8 print dialog

Here is a good thread with additional details about Model Linetype Scaling

Model linetype scaling was missing from the original Rhino 8 release.
And how Rhino 8 sr6 adds it back in a more powerful way than Rhino 7.

Linetype pattern and width units can be set in the new enhanced Linetype definitions.
There is a “Use Model Units” override.

This is legacy and possibly can be viewed as duplicate.
But we also avoid taking any features away because established work flows are important to not mess up.

If the layer Print Width is set to **Default", then the Default line width in the Print dialog applies. My Default is set to .18 not Hairline. A quick way to increase the Print width or every thing is with the Print dialog Scale option. Mine is set to 1.1.

Rhino 8 now scales the Print width with the same scale as the Display mode. This is helpful if you want to print edges of surfaces, for example, with thicker print widths. Prior to Rhino 8 you could only print curves with Print Widths. If you “uncheck” use Display mode scale, then printing will work with no display model scale like Rhino 7. Unchecked is the default.

A couple of my Rhino 8 Print favs:

  • Easier to select a mixed set (non-linear) of layout
  • Mac and Windows are the same Print dialog, including Rhino PDF
  • When checked RhinoPDF will open the PDF in your PDF reader
  • Option to use Layout print sizes, to accommodate a mixed sheet size set.
  • Option to print to individual PDFs
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