Conflict Draw Full Names and Expression bug?

Hello Guys
when I use the Draw Full Names function, the following situation occurs: the parameters x and y expression stop working normally and ask to make changes to the parameters.


I cannot reproduce that bug here.

pls run _SystemInfo and post back the results

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Record a video?

sis.txt (2.9 KB)

This is a well known and long standing bug in GH. VERY OLD :bangbang:

Rename the inputs from “Variable x” to “x”.

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when from Full Names you go back to short names, or the opposite, or change variable name, then you need to right click → Recompute or reconnect at least one of its inputs, to let the component refresh (which I believe is the situation in this picture, still to be refreshed)

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I often use Expression since version 5 of Rhino, and this is the first time I came across it, and we have 12 versions bought on 4 machines, this is the only thing

Avoid “Draw Full Names” :bangbang:

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Hi @Foxman,

The issue was first filled 8 years ago.

There will be a fix on v8.13.

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