Concert hall seating

Hello, I am currently working on creating a simple seating arrangement for a concert hall using Grasshopper.
スクリーンショット 2024-01-16 050531
In the image, the rectangle represents the stage, with the top side being the front. As shown in the image, the front of the stage aligns relatively normally, but the back side becomes disorganized. The green freehand line in the image is an example of the output I desire. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
スクリーンショット 2024-01-16 050635

In the image, the curve that I want to use for Array Curve is set at the position indicated by the arrow in Grasshopper.

I also want to arrange the seats behind the stage neatly in an amphitheater style so that the stage is visible from the audience. If you have any good ideas for achieving this, I would love to hear them. Thank you in advance.

座席簡易.gh (23.0 KB)