This is outside of my technical knowledge (as most things are) so I post the question here hoping someone can provide some insight. I also posted this in the Thea forum
When my computer is rendering in Thea, it often hits 90 to 95% on the CPU temperature gauge. When I’m rendering in Cinema 4D it regularly drifts into the red zone of 100%.
Is there anyway to limit this, to tell the computer to only use a certain amount of resources while rendering? I would accept longer render times to avoid a burnt out CPU.
I can set the Core Temp program I’m using to provide overheat protection but I think that just shuts the program down or puts the computer to sleep. I want to keep rendering but using less resources so I’m not overheating.
What the hell? Burn your CPU/GPU candle at both ends when you are rendering. I often start closing out windows and find a GPU temp warning buried deep and often many of them telling me that I have reached 136 degrees! Why don’t these pop to the top of the window stack where one can be aware of them?
Modern CPUs have pretty extensive automatic throttling features to stop them from melting, that’s just not something that happens–which is to say there is NO need to use any sort of add-on software for that. On my older 2nd-gen i7 the CPU fan died and I didn’t realize until I investigated why it seemed to be running sluggish.
Is this a desktop or a laptop? If you can, look into improving the airflow in the case, or see if any of the fans have in fact died, unless you are overclocking or have a tiny system, you should not have to accept not being able to have it running at 100% capacity 24/7.
Thanks for the replies
I asked in the Thea forum and it seems that the studio version offers such
an option but not the Rhino plugin. Or I couldn’t find it.
Waiting to hear on the Cinema 4D forum.
I’m not clear about this - are you saying running at 100% shouldn’t be a problem?
I will check airflow. I’m moving next week so that will be a good time to get the computer up on a table to take a look at the fans and clear out the dust.
Someone on c4dcafe suggested taking the maximum processor state from 100% down to 95% in Power Options.
This seems to be what I’m looking for. Hopefully it is.
Yeah, it should not be a problem. I mean excess heat can be a problem, but it’s not going to melt your CPU–they have numerous built-in protection features and are constantly tweaking their speed, which means any add-on software to try to “help” this is somewhere between an unnecessary gimmick and a scam.
You paid X dollars for a CPU on the basis that it’s rated to deliver a minimum number of GHZ continuously, within a certain maximum heat output limit, so if you’re not overclocking and you’re not trying to also manage the heat from high-end GPUs stuffed in a case, it simply shouldn’t be a big concern.
What says that your system is actually overheating? Does the Windows Performance Monitor show that the CPU is actually being throttled on full load? Are you getting weird random crashes that can only be fixed by restarting the computer?
I have a small program called Core Temp that reads temperature and flashes red when temperature reaches a certain degree. Also, periodically when I’m rendering my computer freezes and I have to restart.
A couple of years ago I had a computer overheat and burn out so I’m a bit gun shy about this. Of course that burn out could have been due to thermal paste failure or any of a number of other causes, I’ve no way of knowing.
Thanks for your replies, they’ve been real helpful in helping me understand this situation.