if you register a compute endpoint in your c# plugin, and it includes a method with no parameters, you will end up with two identical endpoints, and aspnetcore routing will fail with an AmbiguousMatchException
for example, if you register this class:
static class ComputeTest
public static string TestEndpoint()
return "compute test ok";
you will end up with these two listed at /sdk:
13926 [HTTP: POST computetest/testendpoint](http://localhost:5000/computetest/testendpoint)
13927 [HTTP: POST computetest/testendpoint](http://localhost:5000/computetest/testendpoint)
with any attempt to call resulting in:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches:
HTTP: POST computetest/testendpoint
HTTP: POST computetest/testendpoint
so at least at first glance, it seems to me something like this is needed: