Sofia, Bulgaria
Feb 24-28, 2016
COMPUTATION MATTERS is a workshop for integrative computational design. It presents an extensive introduction to digital design, complex geometry, and digital fabrication. The workshop’s focus is the translation between digital morphogenesis, inherent material properties, and fabrication execution through the development of parametric geometric models, as well as digital and physical model analysis. Participants will design systems derived by the explored material behavior, consisting of three-dimensional components aggregated within a network. The development of performative systems provides a wide range of architectural, interior, and product design applications.
The chosen material is polypropylene, due to the large domain of material properties that can be explored. Physical experiments will be carried out to understand the inherent material properties, which will be translated into a digital environment. Components will be developed through polypropylene sheet manipulation techniques – bending, twisting, or folding. Digital simulations and structural analysis will be carried out for components and aggregations, in parallel with physical prototyping.
What You Will Learn
– Introduction to Grasshopper and algorithmic geometry
– Creating complex geometries through parametric modelling
– Structural analysis techniques with Karamba 3D
– Interactive physics simulations with Kangaroo
– Digital fabrication techniques with FabTools and Generation
– Understanding of performative design
Complete details and registration…
Posted Jan 15, 2016 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.