Comprehensive list of Grasshopper shortcuts?

There are a number of very useful and important things that some of the most elemental Grasshopper components will do that are not mentioned in their descriptions when you mouseover them.

Examples of what I mean:

  • inputting a planar surface or planar curve to a plane component returns the object’s plane. (But a mesh face input won’t work)
  • inputing a plane to a vector component returns the plane’s normal
  • inputing a surface to an explode curve component returns the surface’s exploded border
  • “negative” works not just on numbers, but also on vectors.

My question: Is there a comprehensive list of all of these features somewhere?

And is there an overarching logic to the decisions that were made about which of these little atomic components can do these very useful extra things, and which inputs (mesh vs. srf, for example) do work with certain shortcuts and which ones don’t?

Things like having the plane component output it’s own normal, but not saying so in it’s description, and also having a “plane normal” component that does the exact opposite… these create learning curve issues for me as a new user, and I’ve seen others on this forum have this experience as well.

This is the type conversion of the parameters. All that happens in the parameters, not in the components. I’ve never seen the list out there, but it’s common sense, it basically boils down to if you can convert one type to another, it will. If it can’t but it can extract something, it will. Easy.