Component rotation after inserting it

I am working on a project based on a dwg in which I take the insertion points of the dwg blocks and insert the respective bim component into the revit model based on these. But I have not been able to configure the way to rotate the component that I have loaded from a revit family.Probe rotating the component directly in revit from the family editor and assigning it another name but it did not produce any changes. (92.5 KB)

You can use Element location component if you want to modify a family that is already placed (your input should be a plane with the required rotation and not a point) OR if you want to add a new family with the rotation directly you can use Add Component Location/Workplane (your input should be a plane with the required rotation and not a point)

Thank you
Mohamed for the idea, based on it, I investigated and tested and arrived at the solution… I detail the work cycle I used in case it helps someone… in addition to the algorithm screenshot… first from my DWG file I made an extraction data of the blocks so I obtained the coordinates of the insertion points in addition to the rotation, but I had to match this with the insertion point that Revit uses in its components, which I found out through the family editor.