Compiler for V6?

Is there a compiler for V6 yet ?


@fraguada I notice Iris can be installed in the WIP - can you share your compiler for SDK ?


Compiler? Just reference the dlls in the rhino wip program folder. What are you trying to do?

Thanks Luis, I have 150 rvb files which I would like to compile into a RHP / RHI and use in the WIP

I will have a look at using Visual Studio to create a dll file.

Can I use the SDK for Rhino V5 to create the dll and use in the WIP or is there an SDK out there ?


Hello Keith,
Iris is a plug in written in c# and uses the Rhinocommon sdk. This is written in Visual Studio and compiled to an rhp. What I believe you are looking for is the rhinoscript compiler. I’m not sure if this is yet available for rhino wip.

Thanks Luis, I will probably look at converting my scripts to Python and using RhinoCommon.

Where can I download the SDK for RhinoCommon ? - I could not see it here:

OK, got it:

Hello Keith,
While not yet fully completed, you might want to make a bookmark of the new developer portal:
The documents from are being migrated over.

The online source for Rhinocommon documentation is here: and eventually, here:

Thanks Luis, very useful.

Do you know if I can copy and paste my python script directly into the Rhinocommon plugin via Visual Studio ?

I like Rhino’s python editor - as I can test my script before committing to the VS Rhinocommon project.

Hello Keith,
I don’t believe so. The process of running scripts and writing plugins is slightly different as you note. While the code in your python script might be using purely Rhinocommon methods and classes, the python syntax will not be recognized. Also, if you are mixing Rhinoscript syntax and Rhinocommon in the python script (perfectly legal in a python script), then you will face an additional problem since the rhinoscript syntax will not be recognized either. I think there might be other users or developer here that can help you further as I’m not typically using Python or Rhinoscript these days. I think I’ve seen some discussions regarding this by searching “Rhinoscript Compiler” or “Python Compiler”. If you need help getting started with a Rhinocommon plugin in visual studio, let me know.

Thanks Luis, for your time and clear explanation.


Luis, When I open a new rhinocommon project in VS I a get a sample project pre-installed. If I build that project into a plugin and then drag and drop that plugin onto Rhino I get this error:

Have I loaded the correct RhinoCommon SDK into VS ?


You need to change the references to the rhino common dlls that ship with the WIP. Notice in VS you have a solution explorer:

By default, the Rhino Visual Studio Templates target Rhino 5. This is why it says “Plugin built for version = 5.1.3…”. If you want to write plugins that work in Rhino WIP, you need to target the Rhinocommon version that ships with the WIP.

  1. Right-click on the RhinoCommon entry in the References and remove.
  2. Right-click on ‘References’ and select ‘Add Reference’
  3. Look for the browse area, and click on the button BROWSE to go find the rhinocommon.dll in C:\Program Files\Rhino WIP\System.
  4. After adding this reference, make sure ‘Copy Local’ is set to ‘false’ :

You might need to change a few other settings to get debugging to work, for example, in the Properties you will want to set the debugging session to start Rhino WIP instead of Rhino 5.0:

Hope that helps.

Thanks Luis, I am up and running now - fantastic.

I owe you some beers.
