Compare file names and delete duplicate files in Grasshopper(need help)

Hello everyone
need help to this algorithm Compare file names and delete duplicate files in Grasshopper
i have x and y folder
i need to delete files in( x folder file) that names is duplicate
but my algorithm doesn’t work currently

my algorithm and folder in this zip file
delete dublicate (2.5 MB)

"a" = "b"
Is never true.

a = b
Might be true sometimes, depending on the respective values of a and b.

:thinking: It’s a bit new seeing Grasshopper is used in file management.

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Is there a way to compare 2 list of strings?
one by one

@Mahdiyar ?

I guess you’re looking for memberIndex: (17.9 KB)


@Mahdiyar thanks but if{count number(in memeberindex)>1.00} then dispatch work correct ?

If you supply a Number value where a Boolean value is required it will automatically get converted

0 = false
>0 or <0 = true