Command OrientHandle not working

Hi everyone, I followed this instructions to add the command OrientHandle:

  1. Place the folder “OrientHandle {d7369191-1ae2-4bd5-85c9-edf6057c3011}” inside these folders (if the PythonPlugIns folder does not yet exist, youíll have to create it):
    /Users/~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/6.0/Plug-ins/PythonPlugIns/

  2. Restart Rhino

  3. Run the _EditPythonScript command in Rhino, close the code editor window that pops up, then you should be able to access the OrientHandle command (try to type it, it should appear in the autocomplete)

After restart Rhino the command isn’t working, anyone know if there is a bug or something else?