Command missing from Command dialog

When typing commands they appear in the Command search box in the sidebar (or Command options dialog box depending on preference setting).

I found another one missing.

When I type Flow … the command that shows in the dialog box is “FlowAlongSrf” (Flow along Surface), but Flow along Curve is missing. To invoke that command you have to go to Transform > Flow along Curve.

Flow along curve is just “Flow”.

Thank you!

Too simple a solution. So simple that I did not even think that this might be the answer.

It’s understandable. The menus are a bit more descriptive than the command names themselves. If you click on a command anywhere in the interface (Pull-down menus, toolbar icons, Function keys, Aliases), the actual command name is shown on the Command line.

What interface do I have to have for that? The interface I am using does not have a command line anywhere. I do have a Command dialog box in the top of the side bar on the left, but no command line like in the Windows version can be seen.

In Preferences I have set my Theme to Custom, with “Command options in sidebar” checked.

Exactly, there is no command line like Windows, in the top with options after the command. You have the command in the left, like you said, with options for that command below. Or, if you set your Themes to custom, and set your Commands sidebar option to; Use command options dialog … here …

You will have this …
