Command MergeAllFaces explodes VA walls


Is this supposed to happen? I would have thought you would have to run the command ‘Explode’ to explicitly explode a VA object.



Hi @lignindes,

Actually I think this is a bug in the MergeAllFaces command. This command explodes all blocks, and as VisualARQ objects are internally blocks, this is the expected behavior.

If you explode the wall and make a block with the wall layer poly-surfaces, and then run MergeAllFaces, you’ll get the same result.

I think MergeAllFaces should ignore blocks. Moreover, it seems some poly-surfaces are deleted, so there is also a bug in the command.

You should report this issue to McNeel, as we cannot change how the Rhino commands work. We can try to hack Rhino so this command ignores VisualARQ objects.

One question: why do you want to run MergeAllFaces on a VisualARQ object? VisualARQ objects remove all tangent lines (like MergeAllFaces do) automatically. Moreover, take into account that any change on a VisualARQ object will be ignored the next time the VisualARQ object is regenerated.




Thanks for the reply, I will report this to McNeel.

I extended the bottom of a wall and a tangent edge appeared. I wanted it to go away, so I thought to try MergeAllFaces. This is how I discovered the bug.

I will see if I can repeat the issue, and if I can, I will send you a file to have a look.



Hi @lignindes,

If you don’t want to see tangent edges, you can disable them in the “Display” panel:

VisualARQ 2.8.4 now takes into account this option.


Hi Dan -

Consider this reported : ) - RH-59651
I’m not too sure about what the expected or preferred behavior is: tell the user to use BlockEdit or make the change but leave the object being a block instance?


Thanks for logging this. IMO, the expected behavior would be to MergeAllFaces of the object contained in a block with a message along the lines of

Merged xx polysurfaces contained in #BlockName#. xx polysurfaces could not be merged further.
