Would it be possible to link a certain layer (one of the standard layers that comes up when opening a new file - in my case: Layer 1 (red)) to a certain command? (in my case _Dim)
In other words: If I am working in the default layer (black) and then use the keyboard shortcut for _Dim, then the layer automatically changes to: Layer 1(red).
If the purpose of this is to automatically have new dimensions be created on a specific layer, there’s the SetDimensionLayer command that does that.
yes I use setdimensionlayer as in my custom template I have pre-named layer for Dims- only problem is that it doesn’t stick to your file, so everytime I open a file I’m working on, I have to go and reset it again, its a pita, this should in my opinion stick to the file once set. You can of course run this command at the start of opening a new file, thats just another painful thing, please could we ask the devs if this is possible